Saying goodbye is never easy….

Physicians & Surgeons for Women is saying goodbye to our much-loved provider, Katheryn Carmichael CNP, on August 18th. Katheryn will be getting married and moving to Texas to be with her new husband.
Even though this is a happy time for her, Katheryn said in her farewell letter to patients that it was a ‘bittersweet decision….’
‘…bitter in that I am leaving a place I’ve grown to deeply love, but sweet because I finally get to be with the man I love.’
Katheryn’s letter also expressed how her time here has been ‘truly delightful’, has exceeded her expectations and that she doesn’t believe ‘anything can quite compare to this community’. Katheryn’s letter also goes on to say thanks, to you the patients, in allowing her to be a part of your lives.
We here at Physicians & Surgeons for Women are sending our best wishes with Katheryn for a happy marriage and prosperous career.
Appointments will still be scheduled with Katheryn until mid-August. If you are not able to see her before she departs, we encourage you to get to know one of our other providers. As Katheryn said in her letter, ‘They are read and willing to continue to provide all of you with compassionate, quality care…’ in her absence.
To schedule an appointment, you can call our office at 937-323-7340, send a request on our website (www.physurg.net) or through the patient portal (myhealthrecord.com).
Physicians & Surgeons for Women
"Compassionate Care for All"
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